Successful Audit at the 8ball gaming hall of Scheffel Gruppe

Many people enjoy and spend time at gaming arcades and bars, relaxing and having fun. However, gambling activities can also involve risks and that´s because there are laws, regulations, and standards to protect the players comprehensively.

Laws and regulations can be a valuable tool to protect users: InterCert GmbH Group of MTIC –, in collaboration with the Gaming & Gambling Research Center, has developed a standard that has been validated and approved by an international commission of experts. It consists of about 80 criteria, which are verified during the on-site audit.

This standard guarantees safe gaming operations, a secure gaming environment, a comprehensive youth and player protection in the certified arcades and bars.

Up to date more than 2.800 arcades and gaming halls are certified by InterCert GmbH Group of MTIC – accordance with the standard Sicherung des Jugend- und Spielerschutzes innerhalb des gewerblichen Geldspiels in Deutschland - Safeguarding the protection of minors and players within commercial gambling in Germany.

One of our customers is Scheffel Gruppe and its gaming halls in Wuppertal, Dortmund and Gummersbach.

On 22nd April InterCert GmbH – Group of MTIC – carried out a certification audit at 8ball Game Hall of Scheffel Gruppe in Wuppertal, Germany. Mrs. Iris Heinemann from the monthly magazine games&business was along with our auditors Mrs. Bettina Dzieran and Mrs. Sonja Wilhelmy during the audit to observe.

We appreciate the hard work and objective article of Mrs. Heinemann and thank the 8ball gaming hall staff for their well-preparedness and hospitality.

We are sending enclosed the above-mentioned article for your perusal. We hope that you enjoy reading.

You can contact our office in Bonn for any questions/inquiries at +49 228 62 9750-0 or